Thank you for your interest in covering the 2023 Maryland Cycling Classic, America’s top one-day professional cycling race, taking place over Labor Day weekend on September 3, 2023. Additional community events will take place throughout the weekend on September 1 – 3.
This application is open to all members of the media under editorial assignment who are interested in covering on-site as well as having access to the Maryland Cycling Classic online Media Hub to cover the event remotely. The Hub will offer resources such as team and athlete information, event details, press releases, b-roll, photos – all to be used for editorial purposes only.
Please note, not everyone who requests credentials will receive them. You will not be allowed in the media areas on site without an approved media credential. We appreciate your patience and consideration.
Be advised:
- Media must be on editorial assignment by an approved media outlet in order to obtain a credential.
- Team PR representatives and select industry affiliates may also request a credential.
- The Maryland Cycling Classic holds the right to approve, deny or revoke any and all assigned credentials
- Credentials are assigned per person, and cannot be transferred to another media member or non-media persons, or it will be revoked
- Media is not permitted to bring children into media areas; any children in the media area will be asked to leave, accompanied by their responsible adult
- Media credentials do not permit access to athlete or VIP areas
- Credentialed Media are not permitted to use media access for autographs, endorsement messages or commercial requests
By requesting a media credential, you agree to all the conditions above.
If you have any questions, please email katrina@komsports.com.